Humans: A Creation or a Mistake?

Humans: A Creation or a Mistake?

Every day we get up from a good night’s sleep. Sometimes the sleep can be only a couple of hours since we had to stay late for some purpose. From the moment we wake up we start following a certain pattern. For most of us this is dressing up the best we can and using the best perfume so we can create a really good impression on anyone we meet as we work at an office. Then, we are off to work where we spend the whole day and come home knackered. A few hours of talking with the family, watching TV, eating something and again it is time to crawl under the blanket and fall asleep. Though this may not be the life all of us spend we are all used to some variation of the same daily schedule.

However, once in a while when our mind desperately needs something more to do, something exciting to do outside of this routine, we will find some kind of an activity which seems interesting to us. Watching movies is one of the best modes of entertainment. That is how I found the movie which made me rethink about our whole existence.


In 2012, I came across a movie called “Prometheus.” Most of you must have watched it too and with the sequel of it (Alien: Covenant) coming to the theaters in May 2017 you must have all at least heard about the movie. What left me baffled was not the great CGI or the story or the fact that we were finally going to find out how Xenomorphs were created. It was simply the question about who created us, the humans?

From an early age, ever since I started learning about all the space expeditions and about the universe I have always believed we cannot be alone in this universe. With all those planets  in the universe having at least one other alien species is something that can happen. Well, I am not expecting those aliens to be as vicious as the Xenomorphs or as really attractive as Superman.

One of the theories about how life began in Earth has always been that we were created by some alien cells which somehow came to be on Earth. That is a possibility. If that is the case then our roots link us to another kind of creatures in the universe. However, we have always only thought about how humans were created. Never have we actually questioned about what made that creation possible.

If we were actually created because it happened as a part of a natural order that is fine. However, Prometheus made me ask the question what if we were actually deliberately created by another alien species like the Engineers in Prometheus? And what if we were actually a mistake in their part? A creation that was never supposed to be, a creation which made them unhappy?

This thought that we could actually be a mistake done by another alien race left me in despair at the end of the movie. Even the possibility of that happening was really not a good feeling. And though the movie is fiction, the question posed about human existence, how it began and why it began has now become a problem I will always think about. In time, we may find the real answer for this question. Then, again, we may never find the answer too.

A Broken Heart

A Broken Heart

Once when you have all grown up, or not that grown up, you will look for love in a stranger’s heart. The lucky ones will find the right person or at least come out of the experience of love unscathed while the unlucky ones will fall for the wrong one. The experience of the unlucky ones will be really bad if they had really fallen for the wrong one because that kind of love does not last. In no time, they will be left alone while the person they thought was their whole world walks away from them, looking for someone better.

So, now that the love they searched for so much has turned into an unbearable pain the ones with the broken hearts will try to survive. They will feel as if someone had put a spike through their hearts; they will feel as if they are the fry in the boiling oil of anger and defeat. If you are one of these unlucky ones, you have an important decision to make at that very moment. You can decide to let this broken heart destroy you or make you stronger.

If you do decide to make your broken heart the weapon, the power that helps you rise in the world you have made the right decision. There is simply nothing more powerful than a broken heart. Give yourself some time to heal, to get all the venom of a bad relationship out. However, this time out cannot last years. Once you have let go of at least the most toxic feelings and regained some level of peace and harmony focus on what you want to do with your life.

If you are still studying continue that. If you are looking for a job concentrate more on that. Whatever you are doing keep doing that without letting the pain and sadness drown you. Do not let someone who has left your life already destroy it too. If you keep doing something good with your life and reach your goals you will be one who enjoys it. You do not have to be the most successful person in the world to find happiness again. You just have to do something good with you life. You have to become the person who can stand on their own two feet and help those around.

If you use the pain and grief in your broken heart as fuel for reaching these life goals, there will come a time when you can giggle or chuckle like you used to, a time when you start seeing the beauty of the world and even the people. When you reach that time of your life future will no longer be opaque with unbearable pain. You will know where your life is headed. Then, if you want to, you can let your heart fall in love again. However, be careful about the person you trust with your heart this time.

If you have ever been one of the unlucky ones who has seen the abyss of no hope because of a broken heart, remember, a broken heart becomes your undoing, the end of your life only if you want to, because there is always the chance of using it as a weapon to help propel your life  in the right direction.

Trusting People

Trusting People

Every relationship in the world is based on trust. It does not have to be a personal relationship. All the professional relationships are based on trust too. Without trust you can never be pleased about any kind of bond or connection you build in your life.

We get our first lessons about trust from our homes. Our parents and siblings teach us how important trust is. If you have ever had a younger sibling you would how much this younger brother or sister looks up to you as you grow up. While growing up like that if you sometimes forget to paint a picture they wanted to have or teach them to ride a bicycle as you promised they will be hurt because your broke their trust. If you are lucky enough the only hurtful situations of broken trust in the personal life will be limited to such matters and not something as horrific as losing your home or your hard earned money to a untrustworthy parent or sibling.

Most of the time there is nothing we can do about the family we are born to. However, we can always take the right measure to deal with every family member depending on their character. While taking actions to protect yourself from any negative results of being related to an untrustworthy sibling or parent, you have to also make sure to never fall for a person who is not trustworthy. What is the point of loving someone who is not even honest with you about where they are going when they leave the house? If you do start a family with such a person your whole life will be a mess and a pain.

It is also quite essential to take timely measures to ensure that you are forging connections with the right people in the professional world too. As a freelancer I often work with different people. There have been times where people have tried to be dishonest especially when it comes to payments. However, now that I have learnt my lesson from one mistake I do not work with people whom I do not trust when I talk with them. Not just for freelancers for everyone at a professional level trust is essential. Even if you work for a company you need to be able to trust the company to treat you well while the company needs to be able to trust you to provide them with your best performances.

Trust is a two way street. When someone trusts you, you have to offer them your trust too. For example, as a freelancer I offer my best services to my clients while they offer me the right working conditions and timely payments. Trust is also something that has to be earned. When you are dealing with people it is never wrong to take your time when trusting people. If you trust everyone the moment you meet them you could be heading for a life full of troubles. Take care of yourself and the people you love by trusting only the right people.